About FOTOC Bank
Buy and sell anywhere in the world where (CC’s) are accepted.
(Completion Date to be Announced)
All information presented is contingent upon the completion of and FOTOC Bank becoming operational.
What is FOTOC Bank?
- FOTOC is an acronym for Friends Of The Original Constitution and FOTOC Bank means “Friends of the Original Constitution Bank.”
- FOTOC Bank is the monetary system (central banking system) for the Constitutional Government; for the world.
What is FOTOC: Who authorizes it?
Friends of the Original Constitution is the interim Constitutional Government until We the People hold a Constitutional Convention & Court (CC&C) and fully restore our Constitutional Government. We the People have authorized Friends of the Original Constitution. We have nearly 100,000 signatures on the Declaration of Restoration authorizing us – as the Constitutional Government! We are the ONLY authorized government operating by the authority of the people and by the authority of the original Constitution. Period!
Who will be able to use FOTOC Bank’s monetary system?
This Constitutional currency system will be available for anyone throughout the world to use who obtains an account with FOTOC Bank and who has access to the internet using our app to buy and sell anywhere in the world – where (CC’s) are accepted. Individuals sign up for an individual account and businesses sign up for a business account (You must first obtain an individual account before you can obtain a business account). Both individuals and businesses can buy and sell (transactions) using FOTOC Bank’s digital currency system.
Who will NOT be able to use FOTOC Bank’s monetary system?
According to our Terms of Service “Those Individuals, businesses or groups listed on our Complaint/Lawsuit will not be allowed to commerce on FOTOC Bank; until such time as the Constitutional Convention & Court is convened or a Councils of Citizens rules in favor of said Defendants.” For a full list of unconstitutional “Activities” and the list of Defendants in our Complaint/Lawsuit, see Scott David Workman’s book Map of Thieves and the Complaint/Lawsuit which can be found here
Who or what gives FOTOC the authority to create a monetary system?
We the People authorize this Constitutional Monetary System by our signatures on the Declaration of Restoration. The Declaration of Restoration authorizes Friends of the Original Constitution as the interim Constitutional Government and Article 1 Section 8 of the original Constitution authorizes the Constitutional Government (Friends of the Original Constitution) ” To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures.”
Is this monetary system a part of the FEDERAL RESERVE MONETARY SYSTEM?
NO, absolutely not! It is not in any way, shape or form a part of the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSYEM. FOTOC Bank has its own currency and banking system and is not a part of any other system. FOTOC Bank cannot be exchanged for any other currency. All transactions are contained within this closed loop banking system.
How will your Monetary System Work?
It will work similarly to your favorite payment or banking app. You will need an internet device and an internet connection. Once FOTOC Bank becomes operational, and after you obtain an account, you will be able to use your device and your internet connection to buy and sell using the FOTOC Bank app. You will be able to pay people or businesses – or you’ll be able to receive payments from people or businesses – or you can save your money in a savings account that earns you interest. It’s as simple as that. The biggest differences are that FOTOC Bank is We the People’s monetary system – and – it is NOT – and never will be – a part of the privately owned FEDERAL RESERVE MONETARY SYSTEM.
Note: In the future (for a backup system) we will develop some type of offline system – to be able to buy and sell using FOTOC Bank currency – in case the internet is down – or for whatever reason it may not be available.
What is the currency of this system?
There is only one currency (digital currency) in this system and it is called Constitutional Coins (CC’s) with this symbol: The value of CC’s (Constitutional Coins) currency are equal to the current $US Dollar. Decimals are equal to cents.
All Individuals will receive 10,000 upon the opening of an account at FOTOC Bank.
All Businesses: (You must first have an Individual Account to open/obtain a Business Account). Businesses will receive 10% of their year-end net annual sales annual sales (in (cc’s) for any year 2019 and after (Pick your highest net sales “year-end” financial statement for maximum benefit).
Even if you lost your business due to the 2020 lock downs and “so-called pandemic,” your corrupt government or any other hardship reasons – you can open a business account with FOTOC Bank and have your funds matched (from 2019 and after statements).
How will I get the money I have now into FOTOC Bank?
Individuals and businesses who upload documents (bank/account statement(s)) will receive matching funds credited into their account at FOTOC Bank. This is a onetime matching of funds: Value = $ (Dollar) for (CC’s). For matching of funds in other currency systems: If your money is in a different currency than the US Dollar: we will match in CC’s – to the value – your currency would be – if you exchanged it into US Dollars.
At some point (your choice) after signing up for/obtaining an account with FOTOC Bank, our system will scan the documents that you upload to FOTOC Bank. Provide us with one monthly statement (only one monthly statement for each account will be accepted) dated any time after January 1st 2019 (Pick your highest balance monthly statement for maximum benefit) and we will match that dollar amount with an equal amount of (CC’s). We will match checking accounts, savings accounts, retirement accounts, investment accounts (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, Insurance policies with a statement of cash value, CDs, options, futures, and ETFs) and crypto currency accounts.
What about Cash?
It’s only a matter of time before the “FEDERAL RESERVE” will end everyone’s ability to buy or sell with cash. They are already imposing restrictions on cash and requiring Banks to “report” cash deposits in amounts as little as $1,000. And they’re threatening to pass laws that will require all businesses to report anyone who spends more than $600 annually with their business. These are more tyrannical measures to impose upon you to gain more control over you – to restrict you, to tax you and to punish you – and whip you into submission. These are all parts of the greater plan to force you to accept their New World Order artificial intelligence cashless digital currency system – where they will end up controlling every aspect of your life – if you allow it. Before your cash becomes worthless, you have the incentive to donate your cash to Friends of the Original Constitution and receive 100 times your donation in (CC’s) – in FOTOC Bank.
All Donations (including Cash): For a limited time – receive 100 times your donation – in CC’s:
When you donate your FEDERAL RESERVE money to Friends of the original Constitution here: https://friendsoftheoriginalconstitution.org/donate/ – we will not only match your funds, but you will receive 100 times (in cc’s) the amount of your donation. Once FOTOC Bank becomes operational – this money will be credited into your account at FOTOC Bank. For example: If you donate $3,500 through our donation page payment portal: https://friendsoftheoriginalconstitution.org/donate/ – and after you obtain an account with FOTOC Bank – you will receive
350,000 (cc’s) credited into your account at FOTOC Bank. For Cash donations: Friends of the Original Constitution does not receive any cash directly at this time. You will need to convert your FEDERAL RESERVE cash into the forms of payment accepted on our donation page payment portal: For now, this the only available way to “get your cash” converted into (matched x 100) into
(cc’s) – into FOTOC Bank.
Anyone who has already donated to Friends of the Original Constitution, who obtains an account at FOTOC Bank – will receive 100 times (in cc’s) the amount of their donation(s).
We also have a referral program: You will receive 1000 – credited into your individual account at FOTOC Bank, for everyone who signs up and obtains an account within our monetary system using your referral code. Everyone who obtains an account will receive a referral code which they can give to the people they refer to sign up.
To open an individual or a business account:
- 1. Upload 2 forms of ID. Primary ID must be a verifiable Photo ID issued by local or national government. Second ID: passport, credit card, institutional ID, or an alternate form to be considered like a cell phone bill, electric bill, mortgage bill, etc.) All information must be verifiable. Full name. Physical Address. Email. A cell phone and two-factor authentication required for first time sign up/establish a fully verified account.
- 2. Must read and sign the Declaration of Restoration – and agree to abide by its principles as well as the original Constitution.
- 3. Must agree to messaging, notifications, emails and updates.
More information:
– Upon opening an account all Individuals to receive a unique 8 or 9 digit ID number which cannot be reused or misused. A unique number to be assigned to each individual and cannot be re-assigned. The unique 8 or 9 digit ID number is retired upon the death of an individual. (Coming soon: This number can be tagged to one surviving spouse to receive their benefits until the surviving spouse’s death).
– Two types of accounts are provided for the people; a savings account and a transaction account. Savings accounts will earn 3% annual interest (based on daily average).
– (Coming Soon: Ability to add joint owner on all savings accounts and transaction accounts).
– (Coming Soon: Savings Accounts for minors available: (under age of 16) must have a parent or guardian as joint owner on the account).
– (Coming Soon: Transaction accounts available (ages 16 and 17) must have a parent or guardian as joint owner on the account).
– (Coming Soon: ownership of FOTOC Bank is equally divided between each and every person throughout the world and all will receive benefits and retirement as spelled out here).
Approved Private Banks, lenders and Credit Unions will be able to operate under the FOTOC Bank Monetary system:
Banks, lenders and Credit Unions will eventually have access to wholesale funds – so that they will be able to offer their customers loans and mortgages at reasonable rates: Lower than they are now (due to the manipulations of the FEDERAL RESERVE).
Customers who open an account with Banks and Credit Unions –authorized under FOTOC Bank, will gain additional benefits (in addition to their primary account with FOTOC Bank. For example:
- • Savings Accounts – receive an additional 3% annual interest – on top of the 3% earned on their FOTOC Bank primary Savings Account balance.
- • Credit and Debit Cards based on
(cc’s): the currency of FOTOC Bank.
- • Sometime after (date to be announced) Banks and Credit Unions are accepted into the FOTOC Banking System – the 100 times (in
cc’s) matching of FEDERAL RESERVE donated funds will end. You will thereafter – be able to go into a participating Bank or Credit Union with your cash and surrender it to them. They will credit into FOTOC Bank matching funds – equal to your cash amount surrendered. You will be able to save or use these matched funds anywhere in the world where
(CC’s) are accepted within the FOTOC Banking System.
- • We promised early on – in this FOTOC movement – that after We the People hold our Constitutional Convention & Court (CC&C) and take over the assets of the FEDERAL RESERVE – we would schedule a one-time Debt Forgiveness Day – where all of your debts, your mortgages, your loans, etc.; will be forgiven. We don’t have to wait – to take over THE FEDERAL RESERVE’s assets – to forgive your debts. Once FOTOC Bank is operational – we can just pay off your debts.
- • Here’s how Debt Forgiveness will work: When your lender signs up for an account at FOTOC Bank – submit a debt pay off request with them. When we receive this pay-off request from your lender – FOTOC Bank will pay off your debt – (in
cc’s) – and your lender will take that debt off of their books. Essentially, your debt will be forgiven. In addition – FOTOC Bank will pay your lender – the interest – they would have made – over the remaining life of the loan. Essentially – this will be Debt Forgiveness Day – for that debt. It’s a win-win for everyone – for you – and for your lender. This is just another huge benefit to be a part of We the People’s Monetary System.
Am I charged anything to use FOTOC Bank?
You are only charged a very small amount when you decide to spend your money. A 2% (contribution) of each transaction is charged when money leaves your account (Internal transfers within your accounts are not charged), only when you buy something/send money out of your account. 1.5% goes to the State (province) where you live (to the Constitutional State which has an account at FOTOC Bank) and .5% goes to the national government where you live (FOTOC is the Constitutional Government in the USA or to the national Constitutional Government where you live, which has an account at FOTOC Bank). These funds are used by the Constitutional States and or Constitutional National Governments to operate their governing responsibilities and lawful activities authorized by their respective Constitutions. NO money is ever given to any unconstitutional government, dictatorship or any CORPORATION that is masquerading as a government.
Can I still use the money I have in the FEDERAL RESERVE SYTEM?
Yes, absolutely you can. We are not taking anything away from you. We’re actually matching everything you have in the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM – and giving you huge incentives to use our monetary system.
You have freedom and Liberty when you use our system. Friends of the Original Constitution and its monetary system is based on the Constitutional laws of the land. There’s no reporting, no IRS, no income taxes; none of that garbage from that counterfeit “FEDERAL” system. We have nothing to do with them. Let’s just call them what they are = “BABYLON.”
We’d recommend you come out of BABYLON ASAP – because when you’re using BABYLON’s services you are obligating yourself to their jurisdiction. You are obligating yourself to follow their rules.
You will soon be able to come out of BABYLON. Friends of the Original Constitution is the Constitutional Government and FOTOC Bank is the Constitutional Monetary System that will empower you out of BABYLON’s monetary system.
Do you report my activities to the IRS or other “government” agencies?
No! Our system is NOT a part of the CORPORATION that is masquerading as our government. We don’t report anything to that so-called “FEDERAL” system. In this or any true Constitutional Government there are NO income taxes, NO property taxes and NO IRS. NONE of the CODES, STATUTES, MANDATES or so-called LAWS of the CORPORATION that is masquerading as our government has any jurisdiction or authority over We the People and our true Constitutional Government.
What’s the problem with our current banking system?
The “FEDERAL” RESERVE SYSTEM is privately owned. It’s no more “FEDERAL” than Mickey Mouse. The so-called “FEDERAL” GOVERNMENT is NOT a government; it’s a CORPORATION that is masquerading as a government. They’ve stolen our Constitutional Government and our monetary system. Around 1910-1913 – a small group of families colluded with “THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT” and ended up owning and controlling the monetary system of the entire world (which is unlawful, unconstitutional and criminal).The entire world (up until now) has been at the mercy of this one monetary system which is a fake, a fraud, a counterfeit and nothing more than a band of thieves who use you as collateral for their debt/discharge fake money system. They’ve literally had no competition since 1913. Some may argue that “crypto currency” is competition to the FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM (the “FED”), but in early 2022, the Canadian Freedom Convoy quickly learned that the Crypto Currency exchanges denied their group access to the $1 million in crypto currency donated to them. The currency exchanges kowtowed to the puppet Justin Trudeau, the “leader” of the CORPORATION that is masquerading as the “government” in Canada and the “FED” in Canada stopped the money flow to the Canadian Freedom Convoy. The “FED” controls the crypto currency systems just like they control everyone who buys and sells using the FEDERAL RESERVE MONETARY SYSTEM.
Section 8 – of the Original Constitution states:
The Congress shall have Power To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;
It says that “The Congress has the Power To coin Money and regulate it.”
It does not say that a FOREIGN CORPORATION has the power to coin money and regulate it, nor does it say that a private FOREIGN CORPORATION can be given the power to coin money and regulate it. But that is exactly what happened.
The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is a counterfeit government allowing – a private bank – the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK – to counterfeit the Securities and current Coin of the United States; in other words to operate a monetary system for the world! These criminals will be brought to justice – in due time – at the Constitutional Convention & Court – but in the meantime:
Friends of the Original Constitution is the Constitutional Government!
We have the authority to create this monetary system!”
We have nearly 100,000 signatures on the Declaration of Restoration authorizing us – as the Constitutional Government! We are the ONLY authorized government operating by the authority of the people and by the authority of the original Constitution. Period!
What I just read to you, from the Constitution, authorizes Friends of the Original Constitution, the Constitutional Government to create a monetary system for We the People. And this is what – FOTOC Bank is – the Constitutional Government’s Central Bank/Monetary system!
Since 1913, there has been only one banking system (for the entire world) for people to be able to buy and sell; it’s called THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM (the “FED”). We’ve all grown up with the way it works. We use cash, checks, credit cards, coins, and Electronic Fund Transfers, etc. We all have used this monetary system our entire lives – and up until now – they literally have had NO competition for over 100 years.
Many years ago, the “FED” money was backed by gold or silver, meaning you could go to a bank and exchange your cash for gold or silver. Now the “FED” money is only backed by you, acting as collateral for their debt/discharge fiat money system. Fiat means that it works – as long as everyone has the faith – that it is worth what the government says its worth. The only thing that maintains “their system” is faith – or a “perception” of value. All money is – is a representation of value. The object itself is worthless (cash, checks, credit cards are just paper or plastic), coins are just minerals like metal (gold and silver are just metal). The real thing that we receive has the real value to us. For example: If I give you $625,000 cash to buy your brand new Ferrari – is that a real value for value exchange? No, it’s not: that paper (the cash) in $100 bills, only costs “the FED” $769 to print. So the paper I gave you, worth $769 to buy your $625,000 Ferrari, was not a fair exchange. But in our world’s faith and perception – paying $625,000 in cash for a new Ferrari is a great value exchange.
What makes the difference? Perception of value: what we “perceive” is valuable is valuable to us. So all money is – is a representation of value. If we all agree and have faith in – that a certain representation of value is worth the amount represented, then this is how we’re able to use money instead of the old barter system which – for example – was trading your horse in exchange for my cow.
What makes FOTOC Bank – We the People’s Monetary System work?
What makes FOTOC Bank’s currency system work is you and millions of other people who use our monetary system to buy and sell. We have faith in each other and in our monetary system. Currency (or money) is just a representation of value or an exchange of value for value. Today, most everyone uses FEDERAL RESERVE CURRENCY – or MONEY – when we buy and sell. This is what supports the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. If we all stopped supporting the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM – in other words – if we all stopped using their money to buy and sell -their system would collapse almost overnight. That CORPORATION which is masquerading as our government – the counterfeit government – would also collapse almost overnight – as well.
Friends of the Original Constitution is providing you the way to stop supporting that system and to take back the control of your ability to buy and sell according to your – own free will and choice. We will match all of the money you have in the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. You can now choose to buy and sell with your money – the way you choose to buy and sell – in the true Constitutional Government’s monetary system. When you support the Constitutional Government, we support you. We value your freedom, your life, your liberty and the pursuit of your happiness. We acknowledge you as one of the owners of this country.
Friends of the Original Constitution’s monetary system is your system – owned by We the People. We the People own this country – and we need to take it back – and this is how we do it. By supporting us – by using our monetary system – you will be supporting yourself out of Babylon. With Friends of the Original Constitution’s monetary system you have the choice of where and when you spend and receive your money, without the threat of being cancelled or controlled or losing your ability to buy or sell. You also will be supporting the Constitutional Convention & Court when we bring these tyrannical criminals and thieves to justice, these counterfeiters – who have been stealing from us for over 100 years.
If you’re living in another country – and have a tyrannical government – hold on. Friends of the Original Constitution will soon be funding the liberty loving people within your country to form a Constitutional Government within your country. We will not be funding any dictators of any country. We will also NOT be funding any State governments that continue to kowtow and support the criminal FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! We will be funding States, here in the USA – to reform their State Governments – back to Constitutional States which operate only under the Constitutional Government and Constitutional laws. We will be funding the judicial system, State Governments, Schools, the police and the military and banks – which all – must abide by the Constitutional Laws of the Land and agree to be under the jurisdiction of the true Constitutional Government.
Governed by We the People
Friends of the Original Constitution and FOTOC Bank are governed by the people. We are a Constitutional Republic – meaning: we are a representative form of government. In Scott David Workman’s book “Map of Thieves” you can read more about how when we hold the Constitutional Convention & Court, we are going to add new Amendments to the Constitution. We are going to restore Liberty and freedom and the framework of our Constitutional Government; our self-government. We are going to make it stronger than ever before and put safeguards in the Constitution that will ensure that it cannot be stolen away from us again or become corrupted by evil and designing men. One of those safeguards (Amendments) is to add Citizen Councils as a 4th check and balance upon our Constitutional Government.
Amendment to be added:
“Congressional committees and subcommittees will be abolished, and replaced with Councils. Councils will be comprised of three members of Congress, acting as Council President, Vice-President, and Secretary. These members will serve no more than a one (1) year term in such capacity, and each will report to the corresponding member of the Executive branch (Council President reports to the President, Council VP reports to the VP, and Council Secretary reports to the Secretary of State). The remainder of each Council will be comprised of Citizens, chosen by a computer, with safeguards placed on it to prevent corruption. There will be guidelines in place that will ensure diversity of representation, and prevention of any one group being overrepresented, but each Citizen will be chosen at random. The total number of council members will be no less than 53 and no more than 100. Selection for Council participation will be similar to that of Jury Duty, with the same age and Citizenship requirements. All travel and lodging expenses will be paid for out of the Constitutional Government Budget. Each Citizen chosen, will attend one week of congruently scheduled council meetings and will be eligible to serve a maximum of once per year, to prevent overrepresentation of specific concerns. Council meetings will be open to any member of Congress and to the public, and will be the forum for advancing new laws or removal or refining of existing ones. Councils meetings will be broadcast and recorded and accessible to all. The Council’s sole purpose is to hear input and concerns from Citizens, and to involve the people in the shaping of their legislative agenda; to give the people a voice and a vote in the legislative process, and to hold their elected officials accountable for their actions. All resolutions discussed at a Council must attain a 3/4 majority vote in order to advance to Congress for a vote. No member of a lobbying firm or political action committee, past or present, will be allowed to attend Council meetings for any reason. No giving or acceptance of gifts, money or anything resembling lobbying or bribery (influence buying and selling) to Citizen Councils or Government Management will be allowed; but will be prosecuted to the full extent of the Constitutional Laws of the Land.”
In the interim, prior to the Constitutional Convention & Court, all decisions will be set forth by the current Founding Council of Friends of the Original Constitution and afterwards by Constitutional Councils of Citizens called to serve as set forth above and will be binding upon all who are under the jurisdiction of the Constitutional United States of America.
The following 6 rules (proposed Amendment to the Constitution) are set forth to – forever – put an end to MONOPOLIES:
- 1. No individual can have in excess of
100 Billion (cc’s) in their account.
- 2. No business can have in excess of
300 Billion (cc’s) in their account.
- 3. No individual or groups of individuals can have control or ownership of one or more businesses that exceeds
300 Billion (cc’s) in their account(s).
- 4. To open or maintain an account in which ownership of said account approaches or exceeds the
300 Billion (cc’s) amount rule above, said company must be either broken up, divested or the ownership of their respective company must be split equally between the employees of said company for account to be opened or account to remain open.
- 5. MONOPOLIES are why we are in this world-wide tyrannical mess. MONOPOLIES will NEVER AGAIN be ALLOWED – EVER – in the Constitutional United States of America. The first great MONOPOLY is that “CORPORATION that is masquerading as our government.” THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK is the second greatest MONOPOLY of our modern era. It is the great counterfeit monetary system of the world, that’s kept us in bondage to it – for over 100 years. The third greatest MONOPOLY is the Pharmaceutical/Medical Industry causing the death of 48+ million people ever year. Click Here to see the full list of Defendants in our lawsuit.
- 6. MONOPOLIES have brought this country to the brink of destruction. One of the main reasons Friends of the Original Constitution began was to initiate a Complaint/Lawsuit against the so-called “FEDERAL GOVT” and over 140 MONOPOLISTS for $500 Trillion. We are going to prosecute these Defendants with Constitutional Councils of Citizens and at the Constitutional Convention & Court. We the People are unitedly going to finalize the righting of the wrongs perpetrated upon us; by this counterfeit government and their counterfeit monetary system and their co-conspirators (the Defendants). As much as in We the People’s earthly power, and by what God’s grants us, we will restore what the Defendants have stolen from us; our money, our health, our liberty, our freedom, our Constitution and our Constitutional Government.
And by the way – We the People own this monetary system – not a group of private individuals. All of the profit from this monetary system is put back into the benefits and retirement programs for you – for We the People. And – in the future – we will be fulfilling many more of those promises we’ve made to you in the beginning.
Here’s just a small list of benefits to come:
- • Senior Citizens (65 yrs old +) will receive
3,000 per month.
- • Every person will receive
400 per month to help them pay for a subscription based “Wellness System” – actual health care system – which includes all of the healing arts.
- • Doctors will receive (
1M) and nurses will receive (
218K) to leave the America Medical Association and join and be re-trained in our new “Wellness System” – actual health care system – which includes all of the healing arts.
- • All adults will eventually receive
- • Millions of Small Businesses will eventually receive
- • Friends of the Original Constitution – the true Constitutional Government will be issuing ID’s so if you choose – you can acknowledge to the world – you are proudly under the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Government.
Click Here to see the Big List of benefits coming soon.
When FOTOC Bank is completed and becomes operational – you will have your freedom of choice restored: you will NO LONGER have to allow the CORPORATION masquerading as a GOVT to have control over how you buy and sell and earn your livelihoods – anymore!
Help us complete FOTOC Bank ASAP – donate now.
We are also looking for Large Stakeholders – who will gain even greater incentives than those listed on this website. Contact your Sales Rep or send us an email requesting more information regarding this opportunity.