

FOTOC Education (FE)

FOTOC Modern-Day Ark


All education (schools) in the Constitutional United States of America, will be governed by the Parents primarily and the States secondarily. State educational boards will be run by Citizen Councils comprised mostly of parents (and some teachers) within the Council’s jurisdiction. They cannot contain any lobbyist, union representative, or other interests external to that of families enrolled within the district. All Council meetings must be open to the public.


Parents School Council


All teachers must be Men and Women of high integrity and moral character and will be retrained in the Constitutional laws of the land. They must leave Babylon and sustain and defend Freedom and Liberty and abide by the Constitutional laws of the land and the collective will of the people as represented in the Citizen Councils of the true Constitutional Government. Higher education (Universities, Colleges and Trade Schools) will be administered by State educational boards run by Citizen Councils.


FOTOC Education is the system of the Constitutional Government for education, healing and enlightenment. All teaching must be based on true and correct principles. Schools must ensure at least the following areas of study are covered in their curricula: reading, literature, writing, math, true science, nutrition, all healing arts, energetic studies, correct history and correct government; including 1 class per quarter or semester per student, teaching about the true Constitution, Constitutional principles and the writings of the Founding Fathers. Additional areas of study may be added, but may not interfere with these basic areas.


FOTOC Education solves the problem of the propaganda and indoctrination taught in Babylon, by putting Parents back in charge of their children’s education; by teaching true and correct principles; the light and knowledge to empower our children to be successful in all areas of their lives: physical, mental, spiritual, social and financial. All light, truth and knowledge will be taught without propaganda and indoctrination or dogma. All true and correct tools will be taught to empower all students of all ages to be successful in all areas of their lives: physical, mental, spiritual, social and financial. The main goal of all education will be to add to the individual’s experience; to expand their intelligence thus contributing to the collective human intelligence and consciousness which adds to the benefit all of society.  


Students Learning


FOTOC Education is one of the systems of the Constitutional Government and the way to leave Babylon’s educational system and come under the jurisdiction (laws, services and systems) of the Constitutional Government.  This is how we can leave “Babylon” without having to move out of our country. 


There will be huge grants CC's (CC’s) and benefits made available to schools and students by Friends of the Original Constitution (FOTOC), the Constitutional Government, when you come under FOTOC’s jurisdiction and Upon FOTOC Bank Becoming Operational (UFBBO).  Click here to learn more about these Grants and Benefits. 


We are looking for Stakeholders to help us complete the building of FOTOC’s Primary Systems (services) FOTOC Bank and FOTOC Quantum Communications. To learn more about the benefits of becoming a Stakeholder or how to become a chartered Bank/CU within FOTOC Bank – send us a request here.


Come under the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Government. Begin today, by signing the Declaration of Restoration.


Scott David Workman
Founder: Friends of the Original Constitution