

FOTOC Energy (FE)

FOTOC Modern-Day Ark

All Systems, Services, Grants, and Benefits offered by Friends of the Original Constitution (FOTOC), the Constitutional Government,

 are contingent Upon FOTOC Bank and FE Becoming Operational (“UFBBO”) and will be available to all within FOTOC’s Jurisdiction.


FOTOC Energy will empower the people throughout the world with the ability to generate their own energy for little or no cost completely outside of the Babylon’s (counterfeit GOVT/NWO/OWG) energy systems via: (1) Personal hydrogen generators which can power generators, vehicle engines, furnaces – anything that runs on “gas” and (2) Other currently “shelved” free energy technologies which can be developed and brought to market.


We are close to the prototype stage of this hydrogen generator. The design has been completed and it is the development stage. Here’s the design-schematic from our engineer:

Hydro-Gen Screenshot

FOTOC Energy solves the problem of a controlled “Energy” industry (including oil, coal, nuclear, wind, solar, and electricity, etc.) by putting it back into the hands of We the People; by incentivizing inventors and many people currently in these industries to build a whole new industry based upon multiple energies; by adding to and improving on current energies and introducing new and existing (shelved) free and clean energies such as hydrogen.


Can you image your own life with the ability to generate your own energy (water/electrolysis/hydrogen) for little or no cost with your own Individual/household/vehicle hydrogen generator or with a new device that allows you to convert your current vehicle engines, furnaces, electrical generator engines with multiple free or low-cost energies?


For more information about FE or how to become a FOTOC Energy Dealer – Click Here.


We are looking for Stakeholders to help us complete the building of FE. To learn more about the benefits of becoming a Stakeholder – send us a request here.

Scott David Workman
Founder: Friends of the Original Constitution