

FOTOC Energy


How to become a FOTOC Energy Dealer/About Us 

What is FOTOC?  

Friends othe Original Constitution.

Who is FOTOC?

The Constitutional Government.

What is FOTOC Energy?

FOTOC Energy is the Constitutional Government’s energy system (service) that is developing and will bring to market – currently “shelved” free (and inexpensive) energy technologies.

Our current focus is developing personal hydrogen generators which will empower people throughout the world – to generate their own energy for little or no cost (water/electrolysis/hydrogen).

These personal hydrogen generators will be able to fuel/power the engines of electric generators, vehicle engines, furnaces – most anything that runs on “gas” (not available for diesel engines until further development has been done).

After these personal hydrogen generators are brought to market, we will focus on developing other currently “shelved” free (and inexpensive) energy technologies.

FOTOC Energy’s primary motivation is to develop and produce products to empower We the People to live our lives energy independent – free from dependence on the CORPORATION masquerading as our GOVT and the MONOPOLISTS who own them.

FOTOC Energy is working to shift the current “pay-per-product” energy dependency model to an energy independent model – with products such as on-the-fly hydrogen gas generators to fuel and power our furnaces, our vehicle engines and the engines of electric generators. These will be built from knowledge and technology which has been around for over 200 years – and which is being intentionally suppressed and hidden (“shelved”) by the CORPORATION masquerading as a GOVT and the MONOPOLISTS who own them.

How these hydrogen generators (basically) work:

Electrical current is run through water (electrolysis) ——>>>which generates/produces hydrogen ——>>>this “on-the-fly” hydrogen gas/fuel expands or migrates (is delivered) to the engines/furnaces (most anything that runs on “gas”) to fuel/power them.

Addressing people’s #1 concern: “Free energy or very cheap energy is not possible.”

This is a lie that is perpetually told to We the People by the so-called “government”. Hydrogen was discovered in the 17th century and was produced by electrolysis (running electricity through water) in 1789 – over 200 years ago!

Prime example of free or cheap energy being used:

The Germans began producing synthetic fuel using hydrogen after World War I and came very close to complete energy independence (from other countries) a couple of decades later. They were able to fuel/power 75% of their war machines for six years during World War II with synthetic fuels derived from using hydrogen – even after the Allied blockade of September 1939 -prevented them from receiving petroleum from other countries.

The reason hydrogen fuels are NOT being used today is because the so-called government has an insatiable lust for money, greed and power. They have “shelved” and prevented free energy (and very cheap) technologies from being brought to market because they are owned by monopolists (“fossil” fuel/oil industry, coal, nuclear, wind, solar, and electricity, etc.) who have pillaged and plundered We the People for many decades.

Addressing people’s #2 concern: “The “government” will not allow this.”

We the People collectively own this country. We are the true authority behind it and we ordained the Constitution. We have awakened to this fact: The so-called “government” (AKA THE FEDERAL GOVT) is a FOREIGN CORPORATION masquerading as a GOVT. They are willfully defrauding us and are unlawfully operating a counterfeit operation/corporation called the “UNITED STATES” (since 1871). In their own “codes” they admit to this fact: See: US CODE: Title 28, 3002. Definition: (15) “United States” means — (A) a Federal corporation;

They have ZERO authority to prevent or stop We the People from creating, producing and benefitting from free or cheap energy systems or to thrive, earn our livelihoods, buy or sell or travel or do any lawful thing we want to do.

How FOTOC and FOTOC Energy solves the 2 concerns listed above:

Friends of the Original Constitution (FOTOC) is the only authorized government in the United States of America – authorized by almost 100,000 signatures on the Declaration of Restoration and the Constitution.

And as the only authorized government in the United States of America – authorized by We the People and the Constitution – we have the authority and jurisdiction to create and operate all things beneficial to the people: such as promoting life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

We are in the final stages of building a product which will give We the People the ability to generate our own energy (water/electrolysis/hydrogen) for little or no cost – with a personal hydrogen generator – which will empower us to live our lives energy independent – free from a fuel supply system designed by MONOPOLISTS to drain our wallets and keep us perpetually dependent upon them.  


In a Country with a true Constitutional GOVT – YOU DO NOT need permission to generate your own clean free energy. You CANNOT be FORCED – to buy or use a product or a service from a MONOPOLY or follow mandates or protocols from a CORPORATION masquerading as a GOVT!  Liberty (or free will) is an inalienable right (and cannot be taken – or – given away). 

FOTOC Energy is building very low cost or free energy generating products –within the jurisdiction and protection of the Constitutional Government.

We are building these systems (services) to empower you to STOP doing business with the CORPORATION masquerading as aGOVT – so YOU CAN thrive, be energy independent and live your life in freedom and liberty.

Governing Council:

Prior to the Constitutional Convention & Court, all governance of FOTOC’s Energy System will be by the current Founding Council of Friends of the Original Constitution and afterwards by the Constitutional Councils of Citizens called to serve as set forth in the Declaration of Restoration and by the restored/updated Constitution and will be binding upon all who are within the jurisdiction of the Constitutional United States of America.

How to become a Dealer in FOTOC Energy Systems:

To become an approved dealer, you must be a legitimate business already operating in the Dealer category you select.

  1. The cost to become a Dealer in FOTOC Energy systems is $3,500 per store location owned or leased by your organization.
  2. Enroll/Sign-up by fully completing the enrollment form below (one per location) and attach supporting business credentials.
  3. Dealer must be certified mechanics, installers and technicians, etc. in the fuel/gas system which matches the systems category they are applying for and provide corresponding certifications during this enrollment process.
  4. Select the Dealer category you are applying for.
  5. Read the Dealer Agreement and check the box signifying you agree to abide by it.
  6. Make your *$3,500 enrollment donation/payment during the enrollment process.

As an added bonus, your *$3,500 enrollment payment is considered a donation and will be credited 100 times your donation (350,000 CC’s) in your account at We the People’s New Central Bank (FOTOC Bank) once it becomes operational.

As an approved Dealer, you will receive regular updates on the development of the on-the-fly hydrogen generator and when it will become available to purchase and resell.


Note:  We are looking for large Stakeholders ($15K minimum) in all of the systems of Friends of the Original Constitution: (1) FOTOC (Constitutional Govt). (2) FOTOC Bank (New Central Bank). (3) FOTOC Quantum (Communications System). (4) FOTOC Energy (Energy Systems). (5) FOTOC Wellness (Wellness System). (6) FOTOC Essentials (air, food, water, shelter, protection, emergency). (7) FOTOC Education (schools of truth, integrity, values, morals, real science, liberty, freedom and religion).

If you are interested, please add a note during your enrollment and we or your sales rep will contact you with a Stakeholder Presentation which explains all of the additional benefits that are available to large Stakeholders.