History – FOTOC
FOTOC History
We scheduled a Press Conference with the Press (Mainstream Media: TV, Radio and Print) to show them our launch-video on July 6th, 2021 (7621). Not one person from the Press showed up to that Press Conference. We said “fine, we’ll go direct to the people.” I built a very basic website and created social media channels and prepared to launch it on YouTube, Brighteon and other Social Media platforms on August 4th 2021.
It went viral. I never expected it to go that viral; so quickly. We had many people supporting us with donations and signing the Declaration of Restoration. In fact, our shared server could not handle the traffic on our website and people were waiting up to an hour to donate or sign the Declaration of Restoration.
About two months into this viral surge – our bank canceled our account. They never did give a good reason for it. We opened another bank account with a large national bank and after about two months they canceled our account. And like our first bank, they didn’t give a good reason for it either.
It took two weeks of scrambling (talking with the upper management of several credit unions) to finally find one that said they would not cancel our account for political reasons.
PayPal froze a large chunk of our donations for six months. I scrambled and found a credit card processor that processed our donations for about one week, and then they froze $55,000 we had raised in that one week for about 5 1/2 months.
We had nearly 150,000 views of our launch video on YouTube and then one day, they shut down our Channel. I fought with them for a little while and they put our Channel back up – but severely throttled it down. Eventually they covertly closed off our ability to access our channel/account (and would not respond to our messages). I created a new channel, but it is severely throttled and getting virtually no traffic.
We were on Brighteon.com and had nearly 400,000 views and then one day, they shut off the faucet (no more traffic) and you can hardly find our video on that site anymore.
It took us a couple of years of battling these battles; trying to build a better website and social media site to connect with our supporters and obtain new ones. We began building We the People’s New Central Bank (FOTOC Bank), but our efforts to complete it stalled. We had spent so much time and effort to communicate our message, gain more supporters and fight these battles that we plain ran out of money.
I discovered that of our double opt-in email subscribers (to receive our email updates), 90% of them were going to their junk or spam folder.
We came to the conclusion that there was a concerted effort to hinder and stop our efforts to get new supporters and be able to communicate and get our messages to our subscribers and supporters.
When our donations trickled down to nothing and we ran out of money, I got a loan – to keep us going and continue the building of our New Central Bank. Finally, I had to stop its building and let my staff go around June of 2024.
I was ready to throw in the towel. I was ready to go out and get a job just to keep my family’s financial boat afloat. I was very depressed and then one day I was praying and asking God to please show me the way, and the Holy Spirit put into my mind this thought “why don’t you call and talk with those people who have supported you and ask for their help?”
It was the answer and the direction I needed from God. I created a Stakeholder position in Friends of the Original Constitution (the Constitutional Government). Those people who purchase a stake will receive a percentage of the increase that comes when we complete the New Central Bank, the new quantum communications system and the new Energy System (All of FOTOC’s systems), when they become operational (UFBBO).
I began to call some of our previous supporters and I’ve received an outpouring of love and support from these good people. Many however, are struggling themselves. The scamdemic and the CORPORATION masquerading as a GOVT has hurt a lot of people.
We’ve received some Stakeholders and have got ourselves dug out of a major financial hole. We’re now on a trajectory of gaining more support and learning creative ways to get FOTOC Bank (the New Central Bank) and FOTOC Quantum Communications system completed this year (2025).
If you have the means and are in a position to become a Stakeholder, to help us complete these systems of our Constitutional Government, please reach out and send me an email. I would love to talk with you.
Scott David Workman