

FOTOC Modern-Day Ark

All Systems, Services, Grants, and Benefits offered by Friends of the Original Constitution (FOTOC), the Constitutional Government,

 are contingent Upon FOTOC Bank Becoming Operational (“UFBBO”) and will be available to all within FOTOC’s Jurisdiction.


As the only authorized Government for the United States of America, under the authority of the signers of the Declaration of Restoration and the original *Constitution, we are building a New Central Bank to coin money (currency) and regulate its value.



*Constitution: Article 1: Section 8 states: “The Congress shall have Power To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;”



This primary system will fund the people’s Exodus out of Babylon’s Federal Reserve Banking System and their coming NWO/OWG microchip (implanted under your skin) AI control “you” system.


The following are a couple of visual representations of our prototype. Much of the back-end and some of the front end (interface) functions of the program (app) have been completed.


The currency of our New Central Bank is called Constitutional Coins (CC’s) with this symbol: CC's  The value of CC’s currency are equal to the current $US Dollar. Decimals are equal to cents.


Everyone (exceptions) throughout the world who obtains an account at FOTOC Bank (UFBBO) will be able to buy and sell anywhere in the world – where  (CC’s) are accepted via FOTOC Quantum Communications.


FOTOC Bank will work similarly to your favorite payment or banking app using an internet connection or FOTOC Quantum Communications. You will be able to buy, sell, save, open a business or run your current business with We the People’s new currency  CC's  (CC’s).


And here’s a huge benefit: you don’t put your money into FOTOC Bank; we match whatever you have in the currency you’re currently using (UFBBO). Just upload documents (statement(s)) for any year 2019 and after – and you will receive matching funds credited into your individual or business account at FOTOC Bank.


There are many incredible incentives, grants and benefits that are available to individuals and businesses who join FOTOC Bank and use its currency (UFBBO). For a full list, see our  Grants and Benefits page.


We are looking for Stakeholders to fund the completion of FOTOC Bank. To learn more about the benefits of becoming a Stakeholder or how to become a chartered Bank/CU within FOTOC Bank – send us a request via email.



Scott David Workman

Founder: Friends of the Original Constitution


PS: Looking for in-depth and comprehensive information about FOTOC Bank? Click Here.