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August 23rd 2021 Newsletter

The Government based on the Constitution. Now and Forever!
Hello Friends!
The response to our message and movement has been phenomenal. In less than 3 weeks we’ve had nearly 50,000 signatures. Many of you have emailed us with questions and I apologize if we haven’t got back to you yet. We are hiring staff to help us catch up and become more responsive.
If you haven’t received a thank you response for donating or for signing the Declaration of Restoration – let me thank you now for your support and your generosity! It is very much appreciated! You are one of the owners of this country and with your support along with millions more to come – will ensure this movement will be successful!
We have a web developer that has repaired many of the issue we’ve had with our website. Confirmations and account activations are now working, they’re a little slow (our email-service is limiting us right now/hundreds per hour are going out), so please give it about an hour – then check your junk folder if you don’t see it in your inbox.
We have created a FAQ page: We’ve started this FAQ page with our most frequently asked question: “Where are you filing the lawsuit and when is the hearing?” The simple answer is “we are not filing the lawsuit in the FEDERAL CORPORATION COURTS of the fraudulent government. Remember, that‘s their ballpark – we’re not playing in their ballpark. We’re playing now in our ballpark – the Constitutional Convention & Court – the one that We the People have authorized by our signatures on the Declaration of Restoration. (For the full answer, please read on our FAQ page).
I encourage you to read all of the information that you can obtain from our website: the Lawsuit, the Declaration of Restoration and the 2 books: MAP OF THIEVES and THE TROJAN VIRUS. Many of your questions will be answered by reading these documents and in addition you will be able to share your knowledge with your friends and family and everyone you meet.
Please spread the word and share share share with everyone you know and meet.
Many of you have asked how you can help outside of sharing. In future Newsletters, we will ask you to get involved in more specific ways, but for now, if you could go to the lawsuit page and download the (PDF) lawsuit (towards top of page) – you can print and hand this to anyone you feel needs to have a copy peacefully given to them. Perhaps to someone who is trying to mandate or force you to do something against your Liberty and the original Constitution?
Please remember that this is a peaceful movement. We the People will be successful with God and the Original Constitution’s guarantee of the right to peaceable assembly and to redress what has been stolen from us by the FOREIGN FEDERAL CORPORATION that is masquerading as our government. Violence is not and never will be authorized or acceptable for anyone associated with this movement.
If you are a Citizen of another country, go to this page and scroll down towards the bottom to discover what is available to you, upon the success of the CC&C, if you support this movement.
We the People are not going to allow this criminal behavior to continue. People are beginning to wake up and see the fascist dictates and mandates coming from the FOREIGN CORPORATION masquerading as our government. Once we have the organizational minutiae ironed out and the staff in place (in about a week or so), we will ramp up this movement! We expect millions to join and to sign the Declaration of Restoration. Hang on friends! This movement is what you have been praying for and God has answered your prayers. He is not going to allow these criminals to destroy what He inspired the Founding Fathers to create and to preserve and to guarantee our Liberty and our freedoms! Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.
If we are faithful and united in this cause of Liberty, God will grant us Success!
Scott Workman