The Government based on the
Constitution. Now and Forever!
Constitution. Now and Forever!
Update 2/23/2023 We the People can no longer wait until after we hold the CC&C to create a new Central Bank – FOTOC is building this Central Bank (FOTOC Bank) now! FOTOC therefore reserves the right to substitute We the People’s new Constitutional Central Bank currency (Constitutional Coins) for FEDERAL RESERVE $ (Dollars) in all cases as listed throughout this website, complaint/lawsuit, books, etc. Where money is concerned – consider $ (Dollars) as a reference to “the equivalent of $ (Dollars)” meaning it will be by way of Constitutional Central Bank currency
(CC’s) instead of $ (Dollars).
209 Million – Adult US Citizens
28 Million – Adults Other in USA
237 Million – Adults W/SS# in the USA
X $100,000 each
$23.7 Trillion – Sub Total
$00.3 Reimbursement (FOTOC Expenses)
30.2 Million – Active Small Businesses
29.8 Million – Closed Small Businesses
(adversely affected by Conspiracy- 2 Year retroactive )
60 Million Small Businesses
X $200,000 each
Program/Incentive: Each Participating individual – who has lost their home (foreclosure) or who has been evicted from their dwelling tenancy (50 million available) due to the actions of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT A.K. A. “THE UNITED STATES” or the other Defendants in this lawsuit, since March 1st 2020, to receive $200,000 (“after the settlement of this lawsuit and ratification of the Constitutional Convention and Court’s (“CC&C”) actions by ¾ of the States”) (“Ibid”)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating (Except Defendants and those pronounced ineligible by the CC&C) active Big Business (500+ employees) or those that have closed their business due to the pandemic and or due to the defendants actions (16,000 eligible) to receive $625 Million for the purposes only of strengthening, revitalizing or reopening their business, not to unjustly enrich the ownership/controllership of the participating company. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating individual (A.K.A.: “Whistleblowers”) i.e.: employee, ex-employee, past or present contractor, subcontractor, volunteer, aid, intern and or Non-Leadership (Owners, controllers, or controlling leadership are not eligible) of the list of defendants – who come forth with evidence of wrong doing (2 million available) against said defendant(s) to receive immunity for such evidence(s) and will receive $500,000. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. Licensed Physician (Allopathic Doctor) to receive $1 Million (1M eligible) to (A) Convert their practice to a “Keep You Well” Monthly Subscription based practice (B) Merge their practice with a Naturopathic Practitioner(s) (C) Incorporate Natural Remedies into their practice (D) Incorporate the use of Bioenergetic/Quantum Bio-Feedback and frequency scanners and machines for the scanning, diagnosis, treatment and health recommendations for their patients/clients (E) to phase out of “most” (non beneficial unnatural) man formulated chemical concoctions (Drugs & Vaccines) from their practices (F) enroll, pay for and complete an equivalent of a Naturopathic Associate’s Degree (60 semester credit hours) in an accredited Naturopathic school (as set forth below). Any Licensed Physician that is “laid off” or “fired” or their employment is terminated or they lose their license to practice medicine after the commencement of this complaint due to exposing or telling the truth, will be eligible for this Program/Incentive and to have their employment and license reinstated. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. Licensed Nurse (R.N or L.P.N), 4.6 Million eligible, to receive $218,000 scholarship to cover 4 years living expenses and education to receive a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from the accredited Naturopathic school of their choice. This Program/Incentive is designed to assist U.S. Licensed Physicians in the section above to (A) Convert their practice to a “Keep You Well” Monthly Subscription based practice (B) Merge their practice with a Naturopathic Practitioner(s) (C) Incorporate Natural Remedies into their practice (D) Incorporate the use of Bioenergetic/Quantum Bio-Feedback and frequency scanners and machines for the scanning, diagnosis, treatment and health recommendations for their patients/clients (E) to phase out of “most” (non beneficial unnatural) man formulated chemical concoctions (Drugs & Vaccines) from their practices. Any Licensed Nurse (R.N or L.P.N) that is “laid off” or “fired” or their employment is terminated or they lose their license to practice nursing after the commencement of this complaint due to exposing or telling the truth, will be eligible for this Program/Incentive and to have their employment and license reinstated. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating “Other” U.S. Employees (Not listed above), including laid off employees in the last 12 month period (Except Current Owners/Controllers/Leadership) of Hollywood and the Mainstream Media Industry (Newspapers, Broadcasting-affiliates and Internet News Platforms – 1,600,000 eligible) to receive $625,000 for the following purposes (A) to purchase an equal portion of ownership to the other employees and share ownership/operatorship of their respective Companies. (No one can ever own more than an equal share of ownership in these companies) (B) To be governed by a member council system structured after the model set forth in Chapter 7 of “Map of Thieves” by Scott David Workman. (C) Report the truth and agree to not be influenced by money, advertisers or government ever again. They shall uphold the truth, the Constitution, Liberty and the principles set forth in the Bill of Rights including but not limited to the First Amendment. Any Employee that is “laid off” or “fired” or their employment is terminated after the filing of this complaint due to exposing or telling the truth, will be eligible for this Program/Incentive and to have their employment reinstated. (Ibid)
To build Our New Capital City & Infrastructure (See Book: Map of Thieves by Scott David Workman – for more details). (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating US Bank (Except Defendants and those pronounced ineligible by the CC&C) (5281 eligible) to receive $568M for the following purposes (A) retain their business and be compensated for Debt Forgiveness Day (B) assist the CC&C in the restoration and re-establishment of the Constitutional Government and the New Central Bank (C) agree to stop following the bylaws, mandates, orders, restrictions, codes, statutes, laws, etc., decreed, issued or enacted by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT A.K.A. THE UNITED STATES and the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK (D) each bank will pay for all ownership and management of said bank to enroll, and complete an equivalent of an Associate’s Degree (60 semester credit hours) and be re-trained in banking, financial and constitutional law at an accredited restructured school (as set forth below) (E) agree to follow the CC&C and be under the governance of the restored Constitutional Government and more immediately under the New Central Bank and agree by oath to uphold and sustain the Constitution, truth, Liberty and the laws and principles as set forth in the Constitution. Any US Bank that is sanctioned or their charter is terminated after the commencement of this complaint and lawsuit due to exposing or telling the truth, or supporting the CC&C will be eligible for this Program/Incentive and to have their charter reinstated. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating US Private Money Lending Business (Except Defendants and those pronounced ineligible by the CC&C) (29K eligible) to receive $23M for the following purposes (A) retain their business and be compensated for Debt Forgiveness Day (B) assist the CC&C in the restoration and re-establishment of the Constitutional Government (C) agree to stop following the bylaws, mandates, orders, restrictions, codes, statutes, laws, etc., decreed, issued or enacted by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT A.K.A. THE UNITED STATES and the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK and agree by oath to uphold and sustain the Constitution, truth, Liberty and the laws and principles as set forth in the Constitution. Any Private Money Lending business put out of business by the actions of the defendant due to exposing or telling the truth or supporting the CC&C will be eligible for this Program/Incentive. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. Farm (2,205,000 eligible) to receive $1 Million to: immediately stop using Genetically Modified Seeds (GMO) and unnatural chemical pesticides and quickly (2 years max) phase into becoming an official “Certified Organic” Farm. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. single Family Home Owner (95 Million eligible) to receive $20,000 to grow an organic food garden (minimum size equivalence of 144 sq. ft) and sell at least 50% of their produce (at wholesale costs) to restaurants or grocery stores for 2 years after which requirement will end. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. Restaurant (660,000 eligible) to receive $100,000 to immediately phase out Genetically Modified foods (GMO) and unnatural chemical additives from their menus, products and services. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. Grocery Store (40,000 eligible) to receive $100,000 to immediately phase out Genetically Modified Foods (GMO) and unnatural chemical additives. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. Natural Supplement Manufacturing Business (1,500 eligible) to receive $200,000 to phase out synthetic supplements and to increase their production and sales of non-synthetic and organic supplements. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. Pharmacy (100K eligible) (Except Defendants and those pronounced ineligible by the CC&C) to receive $500K for the following purposes (A) Change their title name from Pharmacy to “Elementary” (B) Convert their business model to be a support to the new “Keep You Well” multi-health care system by selling products that compliment and support multiple industries including but not limited to the naturopathic industry, allopathic, herbology, quantum frequency, essential oils, chiropractic, holistic, ayurvedic, acupuncture, aromatherapy, aura healing, chakra, craniosacral, energy, light, massage, osteopathy, qigong, reflexology, reiki, shiatsu, tibetan, traditional, tui na, and yoga, etc. (C) to phase out of “most” (non beneficial unnatural) man formulated chemical concoctions (Drugs, Chemicals & Vaccines) from their business (D) owners of the “Dispensary” must all pay for and complete an equivalent of a Naturopathic Associate’s Degree (60 semester credit hours) in an accredited Naturopathic school (as set forth below) (E) ensure that their employees have all received updated accredited training as set forth in the section immediately below. Any employee that is “laid off” or “fired” or their employment is terminated or they lose their license after the commencement of this complaint due to exposing or telling the truth, will be eligible for this Program/Incentive and to have their employment and license reinstated. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. Engine Manufacturer (top 50 are eligible) to receive $1 Billion to (A) develop new engines and convert existing engines to run on hydrogen (B) design and produce systems that will produce on the fly hydrogen production ie: electricity run through water = hydrogen. And once developed, they are to be made available and sold to industries and the public.(Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating 50 Inventors (Patent Owner(s) who’ve “shelved” patents will lose them and they will be awarded to the most qualified inventor(s) to bring them to fruition) to receive $1 Billion to develop and produce Free Energy devices. Must be developed and produced in the USA, and be made available and sold to the public.(Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. Generator company (Top 50 Companies are eligible) to receive $1 Billion to develop and (A) produce generators than run on hydrogen and (B) Produce generators that produce hydrogen and (C) Both types of generators produced to be made available and sold to the public. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. Pharmacist (300K eligible) (Except Defendants and those pronounced ineligible by the CC&C) to receive $200K for the following purposes (A) Change their title name from Pharmacist to “Elementrist”(B) be retrained in the new “Keep You Well” multi-health care system by selling products that compliment and support multiple industries including but not limited to the naturopathic industry, allopathic, herbology, quantum frequency, essential oils, chiropractic, holistic, ayurvedic, acupuncture, aromatherapy, aura healing, chakra, craniosacral, energy, light, massage, osteopathy, qigong, reflexology, reiki, shiatsu, tibetan, traditional, tui na, and yoga, etc. (C) to help phase out of “most” (non beneficial unnatural) man formulated chemical concoctions (Drugs, Chemicals & Vaccines) from their Dispensary (D) they must all pay for and complete an equivalent of a Naturopathic Associate’s Degree (60 semester credit hours) in an accredited Naturopathic school (as set forth below). Any employee that is “laid off” or “fired” or their employment is terminated or they lose their license after the commencement of this complaint due to exposing or telling the truth, will be eligible for this Program/Incentive and to have their employment and license reinstated. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: NASA and the Top 100 Scientists to develop all previous “classified” or secret technologies (ie: Area 51 and others) and or suppressed technologies that are and will be beneficial to ALL Societies. Examples (including but not limited to): Magnetic energy, solar, anti-gravity, artificial gravity, gravity propulsion and energy, warp drive, cold fusion, energy transmission, quantum, ionic, and others, etc. To be governed by Councils as set forth in Chapter 7 of “Map of Thieves” by Scott David Workman. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. K-12 Public or Private school (133,000 eligible) to receive $1 Million to (A) restructure their financial operations, administration, structure and teaching curricula as set forth in Chapters 9 & 14 of “Map of Thieves” by Scott David Workman. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. Accredited College or University (2660 eligible) to receive $50 Million to (B) restructure their financial operations, administration, structure and teaching curricula as set forth in Chapters 9 & 14 of “Map of Thieves” by Scott David Workman. In addition they will be required (C) to completely overhaul their current curricula to a curricula of truth, freedom, Liberty, integrity, goodness, and Constitutional principles; and eliminate the current curricula which has been designed and conscripted by the conspirators (Defendants) to teach false pretense teachings; to inculcate, indoctrinate and brainwash the public to achieve their end goal of “the New World Order” (One World Government); Monarchy or Oligarchy. (D) All of the American Medical Association’s (AMA) Medical Schools will be restructured to discard all false pretense teachings, doctrines and dogmas designed for “disease exploitation” or “disease racketeering” and will incorporate naturopathic, holistic, herbology ie: all natural/alternative treatments and remedies into their curricula and structure their teachings/base them upon the “keep you well” system of health care and away from the “fee per service” model. (E) All Law Schools will be restructured to discard all of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT’s A.K.A THE UNITED STATES’s laws, codes, statutes, etc., and teach the restored Constitutional Government’s Laws and the new Council System, etc., as set forth by the CC&C and ratified by the ¾ majority of the States (F) All teachings must encourage the truth, Liberty, freedom, the Constitution and the unalienable rights of all people. (G) Accredited Naturopathic specific schools participating (40 eligible included in total above) shall use the monies received to ramp up their capacities to handle the influx of new participants (Doctors, Nurses, Elementrist, etc.) as well as provide training on Bioenergetic/Quantum Bio-Feedback and frequency scanners. One scanner per student will be provided (at no charge) by the school throughout the Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine program. The ownership of the said scanner will be transferred to the student once they graduate from the program. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. Employee (Except Current Owners/Controllers/Leadership) of the News “Network” Companies of CBS, ABC, NBC CNN, and FOX (149,000 eligible) to receive $2.644 Million for the following purposes (A) to purchase an equal portion of ownership to the other employees and share ownership/operatorship of their respective News Companies. (No one can ever own more than an equal share of ownership in these companies) (B) To be governed by a member council system structured after the model set forth in Chapter 7 of “Map of Thieves” by Scott David Workman. (C) Report the truth and agree to not be influenced by money, advertisers or government ever again. They shall uphold the truth, the Constitution, Liberty and the principles set forth in the Bill of Rights including but not limited to the First Amendment. Any Employee that is “laid off” or “fired” or their employment is terminated after the filing of this complaint due to exposing or telling the truth, will be eligible for this Program/Incentive and to have their employment reinstated. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. Employee (Except Current Owners/Controllers/Leadership) of Google/YouTube, Facebook/Instagram and Twitter (173,000 eligible) to receive $4.855 Million for the following purposes (A) to purchase an equal portion of ownership to the other employees and share ownership/ operatorship of their respective Companies. (No one can ever own more than an equal share of ownership in these companies) (B) To be governed by a member council system structured after the model set forth in Chapter 7 of “Map of Thieves” by Scott David Workman. (C) Report the truth and agree to not be influenced by money, advertisers or government ever again. They shall uphold the truth, the Constitution, Liberty and the principles set forth in the Bill of Rights including but not limited to the First Amendment. Any Employee that is “laid off” or “fired” or their employment is terminated after the filing of this complaint due to exposing or telling the truth, will be eligible for this Program/Incentive and to have their employment reinstated. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participant (3,720,000 available) that has been qualified by a Council (per council system structured after the model set forth in Chapter 7 of “Map of Thieves” by Scott David Workman) to receive $100,000 for the following purposes (A) To start a business that’s primary purpose and objectives are services or products that are beneficial to our society, (B) that enhance, promote and edify the well being, the welfare, the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of all people. (Ibid)
For the purposes as outlined in the book of “Map of Thieves” by Scott David Workman, including but not limited to rebuilding the failing infrastructure, roads, bridges and systems and create a work system throughout the United States of America. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating Citizen of the USA who has been abused, raped, trafficked or has an addiction to a substance such as alcohol or drugs will be approved to go through a detox and wellness program. Up to $40,000 will be paid for by this program. Councils will lead this program and will certify companies that will be approved based on the guidelines in the above sections regarding U.S. Accredited Colleges or Universities and “Keep You Well” practices. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. Federal Employee, excluding Federal Judges but including postal service and active military personnel (4M eligible), and including laid off employees in the last 12 months (Except Leadership, Defendants and those pronounced ineligible by the CC&C) to receive $100,000 for the following purposes (A) retain their employment (B) assist the CC&C in the restoration and re-establishment of the Constitutional Government (C) agree to having their employment being repositioned, re-titled, re-functioned and or re-located (D) enroll and complete a 6 week (40 hours per week) re-training course (details to be solidified at the CC&C) and agree by oath to uphold and sustain the Constitution, truth, Liberty and the laws and principles as set forth in the restored Constitutional Government. Any Employee that is “laid off” or “fired” or their employment is terminated after the filing of this complaint and lawsuit due to exposing or telling the truth, or supporting the CC&C will be eligible for this Program/Incentive and to have their employment reinstated. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Those RNA/DNA Geneticists who develop the approved reversing agent to the DNA modifying COVID-19 vaccine – will be eligible to oversee the production and distribution of this product on a worldwide scale. The end user has the liberty of choice to accept it, and will not be charged. All of the costs associated with its production and distribution will be covered by the new Central Bank of the restored Constitutional Government of the United States of America. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. Federal Judge or their replacement (2K eligible) (Except Defendants and those pronounced ineligible by the CC&C) to receive $500,000 for the following purposes (A) retain their employment (B) assist the CC&C in the restoration and re-establishment of the Constitutional Government (C) agree to become and be re-titled a “Mediator” (D) to stop adjudicating in favor of the bylaws, mandates, orders, restrictions, codes, statutes, laws, etc., decreed, issued or enacted by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT A.K.A. THE UNITED STATES and against We the People and the CC&C (E) enroll, pay for and complete an equivalent of an Associate’s Degree (60 semester credit hours) and be re-trained at an accredited restructured law school (as set forth above) and agree by oath to uphold and sustain the Constitution, truth, Liberty and the laws and principles as set forth in the restored Constitutional Government. Any Federal Judge that is “laid off” or “fired” or their employment is terminated after the filing of this complaint and lawsuit due to exposing or telling the truth, or supporting the CC&C will be eligible for this Program/Incentive and to have their employment reinstated. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. State Judge or their replacement (10K eligible) (Except Defendants and those pronounced ineligible by the CC&C) to receive $500,000 for the following purposes (A) retain their employment (B) assist the CC&C in the restoration and re-establishment of the Constitutional Government (C) agree to become and be re-titled a “Mediator” (D) to stop adjudicating in favor of the bylaws, mandates, orders, restrictions, codes, statutes, laws, etc., decreed, issued or enacted by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT A.K.A. THE UNITED STATES and against We the People and the CC&C (E) enroll, pay for and complete an equivalent of an Associate’s Degree (60 semester credit hours) and be re-trained at an accredited restructured law school (as set forth above) and agree by oath to uphold and sustain the Constitution, truth, Liberty and the laws and principles as set forth in the restored Constitutional Government. Any State Judge that is “laid off” or “fired” or their employment is terminated after the filing of this complaint and lawsuit due to exposing or telling the truth, or supporting the CC&C will be eligible for this Program/Incentive and to have their employment reinstated. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. Law Enforcement Officer (800K eligible) and an additional 200K additional officers to be hired, to receive $200,000 (Except Defendants and those pronounced ineligible by the CC&C) for the following purposes (A) attain or retain their employment (B) assist the CC&C in the restoration and re-establishment of the Constitutional Government (C) agree to having their employment being repositioned, re-titled and or re-functioned (D) to stop enforcing the bylaws, mandates, orders, restrictions, codes, statutes, laws, etc., decreed, issued or enacted by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT A.K.A. THE UNITED STATES against We the People and the CC&C (E) enroll and complete a 6 week (40 hours per week) re-training course (details to be solidified at the CC&C) (F) ensure a peaceful transition to the Constitutional Government and agree by oath to uphold and sustain the Constitution, truth, Liberty and the unalienable rights of all people and the constitutional laws and principles as set forth in the restored Constitutional Government. Any Employee that is “laid off” or “fired” or their employment is terminated after the filing of this complaint and lawsuit due to exposing or telling the truth, will be eligible for this Program/Incentive and to have their employment reinstated. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating US Employee in the Fossil Fuel Industry (2M eligible) (Except Defendants and those pronounced ineligible by the CC&C) to receive $100K for the following purposes (A) severance pay to permanently leave their employment in the Fossil Fuel Industry and switch to the hydrogen industry or another industry of their choice excluding the Fossil Fuel Industry. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. Lawyer (1.36M eligible) (Except Defendants and those pronounced ineligible by the CC&C) to receive $150K for the following purposes (A) assist the CC&C in the restoration and re-establishment of the Constitutional Government (B) to stop practicing under the bylaws, mandates, orders, restrictions, codes, statutes, laws, etc., decreed, issued or enacted by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT A.K.A. THE UNITED STATES (C) enroll, pay for and complete 30 semester credit hours in a re-training course at an accredited restructured law school (as set forth above) and agree by oath to uphold and sustain the Constitution, truth, Liberty and the laws and principles as set forth in the restored Constitutional Government. Any Lawyer that is disbarred by the ABA or lose their license or is “laid off” or “fired” or their employment is terminated after the filing of this complaint and lawsuit due to exposing or telling the truth, or supporting the CC&C will be eligible for this Program/Incentive and to have their employment reinstated. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating U.S. Accountant (1.3M eligible) (Except Defendants and those pronounced ineligible by the CC&C) to receive $150K for the following purposes (A) assist the CC&C in the restoration and re-establishment of the Constitutional Government (B) to stop their accounting practices, methods and procedures under the bylaws, mandates, orders, restrictions, codes, IRS codes, statutes, laws, etc., decreed, issued or enacted by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT A.K.A. THE UNITED STATES (C) enroll, pay for and complete 30 semester credit hours in a re-training accounting and law course at an accredited school (as set forth above) and agree by oath to uphold and sustain the Constitution, truth, Liberty and the laws and principles as set forth in the restored Constitutional Government. Any accountant that is de-certified or loses their license or is “laid off” or “fired” or their employment is terminated after the filing of this complaint and lawsuit due to exposing or telling the truth, or supporting the CC&C will be eligible for this Program/Incentive and to have their employment reinstated. (Ibid)
Donors/Incentive: Donors throughout the world incentivized to donate to and fund this movement and CC&C. Value to them upon the success and settlement of the Lawsuit, CC&C = 100 times the amount of their donation. (200 million people x $100k av/pay out.) (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Miscellaneous. To be worked out at the CC&C for the benefit of those people we may have missed in the above sections. (Ibid)
Miscellaneous Expenses of Rebuilding our Country, Funding our New Central Banking System and miscellaneous projects i.e.: build coastal desalinization plants and pipelines to supply water to inland states; and many other projects to help this country and its people thrive. (Ibid)
For the purposes as outlined in the book of “Map of Thieves” by Scott David Workman, including but not limited to rebuilding the failing infrastructure, roads, bridges and systems and create a work system throughout the United States of America. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating Citizen of the USA who has been abused, raped, trafficked or has an addiction to a substance such as alcohol or drugs will be approved to go through a detox and wellness program. Up to $40,000 will be paid for by this program. Councils will lead this program and will certify companies that will be approved based on the guidelines in the above sections regarding U.S. Accredited Colleges or Universities and “Keep You Well” practices. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Each Participating RNA/DNA Geneticist (top 100 throughout the World are eligible) to receive up to $100 Billion after developing an effective countermeasure/reversal to the DNA modifying COVID-19 vaccine(s). An Initial start-up allocation of $100k will be granted to each approved participant to get them started. Collaboration is strongly encouraged! Those scientist(s) who pool their resources and work together will stand a greater chance of obtaining the reward(s): the $100 Billion + the accolades from the World for saving millions of lives! (Ibid)
Anyone in the world who dies (200 million allocations available) as an eventual result from receiving the COVID-19 VACCINE, will have their heirs (limited to immediate family members) compensated $1 Million. (Ibid)
Program/Incentive: Miscellaneous. To be determined by the delegates at the CC&C to the needs of the people of this country first and secondly to the united groups of people (not the Governments) of any countries that desire to follow in the footsteps of this Constitutional Convention and Court; to establish or re-establish a Government based on freedom, Liberty and a true Constitutional Government patterned after our original Constitution and restored Constitutional Government. Money’s will be allocated incrementally as progress is made toward a true Constitutional Government established in these respective countries. (Any group initially supported that is attempting to be “wannabe dictators” or determined to have no intention of establishing a true Constitutional Government will be de-funded and unsupported and another group will be chosen instead to receive the incremental allocations of funds from this program). (Ibid)
*(Minimum). The maximum will be the grand total of assets confiscated from the Defendants found guilty at the CC&C. (Ibid)